Growing Your Traffic Control Business
Since 2009, TaiRox's service has dispatched more TCP and LCT resources in British Columbia than any other service.
Feature Review
 •  Text Based Communication: Job details, including site plans, are texted to TCPs and LCTs. Dispatchers see TCP and LCT replies at the top of dispatch web pages. Tap on the site plan to see the drawing on your phone.
 •  A Permanent Record: All texts, signatures and site plans are stored in the dispatch database. Various reports are available in either spreadsheet or PDF formats.
 •  See: More Details.
View Site Plan
Tips and Tricks
 •  Tracked Exclusions: Some customers wish to avoid some employees and vice-versa. A dispatcher assigning employees can see the reasons and can override the exclusions when appropriate.
Excluded Employees
Excluded Customers
Arrange a Demonstration Now!
Contact us to arrange a demonstration: info@tairox.com.
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© TaiRox Software Inc. info@tairox.com 1-604-805-1871